Monday, October 16, 2006

First Pair of FINISHED Socks!

So I FINALLY finished a pair of socks. Not like it's a long going, stitch ripping, hair tugging feat...I mean, it's cotton baby socks that took all of two days....but still, it's socks and the heel is normal and they will fit SOMEONE without looking silly! WOOHOO!
Aren't they CUTE?! Guess all I need now is to meet someone that is having a baby huh? LOL! Then I can pass these off to them. If I know you in person hear this...get pregnant NOW so I can gift you these cute socks, HA!


Rachael said...

They look great. I really like the color.

Angelfire212 said...

I'm pregnant with a boy! I'm due in January, so you can send them to me! LOL! I found your blog through the Sock-knitters Yahoo group. You have beautiful work!

Deby said...

Your first socks are so cute. You should be proud no matter how big they are! Congrats!!

Kathy... said...

Hey! Congrats! They look quite lovely - be proud!

Any new mama would be delighted to receive those. Now -- on with the next pair.

You can join the ranks of those of us that are addicted to sock knitting!! Welcome!