Monday, March 26, 2007

Another Update

So, I finally got my digital camera up and running so I decided to get my pics of my projects up here.

This pic is what I have done so far for the curtain that I'm making for my kitchen. I'm going to stitch them together so the form and arrow like this ^ . Hopefully they turn out to look as good as I think they are going to, lol.

This is the pic of what I have done on the halter top I said I was doing. I haven't really gotten to it much lately or it probably would be done by now. Since it's starting to get really warm now I'm going to have to get knitting or else I will be waiting ANOTHER year to wear it and Im not all that patient, lol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the pattern in your halter top. Can't wait to see how it comes along.